Lorenzo's Mobile & Online Blog
- If you're a person that has lived on the east coast mostly all of your life.. and thought that California was the land of sunshine and beautiful people.. (thanks to the countless tv shows depicting Orange County) well, you're only half right.. it's not the case up here in North California. And this is how i'm experiencing it.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Watch out.. people everywhere are spoiling the details of the final Harry Potter book..
there was one youtube profile that had ALL of the spoilers (of what ppl did, who died, etc..) in their profile details.. including the page numbers!! LOL
of course i read em.. i wasn't going to read it anytime soon.
i'll just wait for the movie to come out ;)
"Crazy Asian Mother"
Viktor & Rolf - Fall/Winter 07/08 Fashion Show
hah.. i'd like to see you try doing this..
i like a challenge. bring it on.
The Dramatic Prairie Dog!!! Dun dunnnnn..
here's the original video..
and the VH1's Best Week Ever clip about it..
when i'm feeling blue.. i watch fashion shows to cheer me up.
My first VS pink dog.. lol
I still haven't received any VS catalogs in the mail yet.. Its the damn Eureka Postal Service.. The mailman probably steals them from me.
So You Think You Can Dance
i'm a dancer. i get down and dirty. pretty much whenever and where ever i can do it.. as long as a good song is playing either in public or on my ipod. i can't dance as good as they can.. but i can try.. haha.
but seriously.. if you haven't been watching the show.. its obviously you've missed out on alot of stuff already. it's the final 10 now.. and they are automatically chosen to perform in 50 cities on their So You Think You Can Dance tour. If it comes nearby and the tickets are cheap, i may consider.. who knows.
anyways.. these are my FAVORITES. i love em. they're not that bad looking either ;)
I love Wade Robson. i was actually surprised when i saw him for the first time on the show.. he choreographed some of the couple's dance routines. I remember Wade a longggg longg time ago back before the Wade Robson Project.. he influenced me to start dancing during the Britney Spears era. Yeah. i loved that I'm A Slave 4 U music video. did you know that i could do all of that choreography before? I'm a bit rusty on it tho. but i do remember many of the major choreography lines. I do believe that Wade did choreograph that for Britney..
So You Think You Can Dance, Lorenzo? .. yeah.. like a slut. hah :D
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The PUMA Basket CC's! (they change colors, neat huh?)
It's the new BASKET CC's from PUMA!
What makes this shoe different from all the rest.. is that it features: a heat sensitive color changing synthetic leather!
look how it changes colors :)
and again..
i love it!!! I wanna get it :)
PUMA currently has 2 shoe styles with the CC (chameleon color):
.. i prefer the BASKET shoe.. it's $75 on the PUMA website.. and LIGA is going for $65.
i still want those blue/yellow XS 850's..
Chapsticks were more expensive than the jeans.. Heh.
It's soooo cheap, it almost disgusts me. While I see friends rockin' out with D&G, Rock & Republic, and True Religion.. Lol.
But the main reason I got it.. Was for work at sbux. I needed something to flatter my ass, my usual baggy khakis from AE aren't cuttin' it.. And it needs a break.
Now I need a new plain black and white polo shirt. One that actually fits a skinny person like me. Just b/c it says SMALL on the shirt.. doesn't mean it will fit you..
2nd starbucks drink of the day!
I'm drinking a TFJB. Tangerine frappuccino fruit juice blend. :)
Myspace finally responded!!!
i got a direct email from myspace support.. and asked for information and such.. including the infamous 'myspace salute' .. which is a photo of you holding your myspace friend ID number..
so yeah. now i can only wait for them to figure out wtf is going on with my myspace account.
I'm not busy.. i just can't log into my myspace account right now.. and i want to!!
it's different, i cannot log in. my account is fucked up somehow. when i do a email search for a requested forgotten password... it gives me a message that says "this email address does not exist on myspace" .. and of course i go.. WTF? .. the same message is shown when i do a general search for an email on myspace. And interestingly enough... when i do a search for my first and last name, i DO show up! .. so what's wrong?!
i didn't change my email address or anything on my account. why would i?
and so i've sent a detailed message to myspace support.. and myspace help.. and im waiting for their reply. i'm just scared that i cant log in. i hope i can soon. i really hate waiting for a reply. i just dont want it to be automated. i wish there was some type of hotline that i can call for myspace support or something.
this sucks. now that i have time to go on myspace... i CANT because of this stupid shit happening to my myspace account.
.. i dont want to make a new myspace account. my original account is priceless. my friend ID begins with 8.7 million! that's wayyyyyy in the beginning of myspace. now myspace is nearing closer to 200 million profiles/users.. ehh.
i want to go on MY myspace account.. i'm sad now.
Yay! It's finally here :)
Anyways.. Ill probably use it as my carryon when I fly to NC again.. :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Bayshore mall is EMPTY!!
Harry potter?!
I just had the idea of going to the movies. That's it. Lol.
I was too busy dancing to hiphop music videos on the MTV Jams channel to even realize it. Heh. I'm a bit tired now.. But at least I can finally watch harry potter :)
Jeff has only seen ONE harry potter movie before today. And I've seen every one since the beginning in theaters.
g2g now. I have to take a piss before it starts. I forgot this is a long movie.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I can't log into myspace.
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Simpsons go to Paris with Linda Evangelista!
i dvr the Simpsons like every day and i do have to admit, i've seen all of the episodes. lol. i can't wait for the movie to come in theaters. you can bet i'll be the first in line. hehe.
i was so shocked to find the Simpsons featured in a fashion editorial in Harper's Bazaar August 2007 issue!!
Pack up & get outta here.
People complain how the cost of living is sooo high in California. In this town, they don't care how much they're paying for the local costs of food and supplies. When there's no walmart, there are businesses that can jack up the prices..
He sleeps on the side of a bricked building..
I could really care less about the homeless ppl here. Thet need to get their shit together and make use of their lives other than panhandling and hitchhiking. There are other homeless ppl in the cities that have it much worse than them. They're living in luxury and comfort compared to those in San Francisco.
Gettin' out of the house.. Dressed in A&F..
Kindof worthless to wear nice stuff in this town. The majority of the population here in humboldt county probably don't even know what Abercrombie is.. Except the teens & young adults.. Which I barely see around town. All I see is ppl wearing clothes from Goodwill. Heh.
I'm desperate for these Puma XS 850 shoes!!
the XS 850's shoe style isn't new. it's the colors which is new. the XS 850's was originally released by PUMA back a few years ago in 1992 (with lamer colors). i was 5 years old at that time! woo! .. but now.. ooohhh boy, these colors are just tasty. obviously you already know that i want the electric blue & yellow color. it's delicious!!
i'm actually lucky enough to find the exact same style and color on eBay.. hopefully i can convince jeff to bid on it for me. it's $29.99 right now.. and no one better not bid on it. i'll fucking throw a fit. the shipping is going for $14.40.. a grand total of $44.49.
i didn't even see the shipping costs until now. it's already a bit expensive due to the shipping charges. ughhh. this is why i hate shopping online. the only thing i have to deal with when i'm buying stuff at the mall is tax. and that's no biggie. but shipping? is there a online coupon for free shipping somewhere that i can use for this? lol.
i'm a bit hesitant by looking at the pic above.. it's the only one the seller has posted.. it's the same colors and it's brand new.. but my mind is comparing the first few images i posted on this entry with the ebay picture.. i think it's the shoelaces.. it's tied closer together.. anyways, his feedback about 3,800 at 100%.. so i shouldn't be worried about it. the only thing i need to worry about is if jeff will bid on it for me. he probably would've said yes if it was just $30.. but the extra $14 in shipping jacking it up to $45 is going to be a bit of a challenge. and the fact that i just bought that metallic gym bag.. hehhh.
the auction ends in about 11 hours from now.. so wish me luck that i'll get it!!