i'm a dancer. i get down and dirty. pretty much whenever and where ever i can do it.. as long as a good song is playing either in public or on my ipod. i can't dance as good as they can.. but i can try.. haha.
but seriously.. if you haven't been watching the show.. its obviously you've missed out on alot of stuff already. it's the final 10 now.. and they are automatically chosen to perform in 50 cities on their So You Think You Can Dance tour. If it comes nearby and the tickets are cheap, i may consider.. who knows.
anyways.. these are my FAVORITES. i love em. they're not that bad looking either ;)
I love Wade Robson. i was actually surprised when i saw him for the first time on the show.. he choreographed some of the couple's dance routines. I remember Wade a longggg longg time ago back before the Wade Robson Project.. he influenced me to start dancing during the Britney Spears era. Yeah. i loved that I'm A Slave 4 U music video. did you know that i could do all of that choreography before? I'm a bit rusty on it tho. but i do remember many of the major choreography lines. I do believe that Wade did choreograph that for Britney..
So You Think You Can Dance, Lorenzo? .. yeah.. like a slut. hah :D