yep.. you guessed it. i'm flying back to North Carolina, AGAIN!
so how much was the plane ticket this time? .. i think about $400 roundtrip.. We're driving to Sacramento and flying out of there on July 31st (because flying out of Arcata to NC is like $660.. i know.. fuck that right?) it's cheaper in the cities.. and so i'll be in NC.. to absorb the NC atmosphere that i've missed so much.. take my final exams from my summer classes at NC state (actually ON campus perhaps?!).. see friends & places.. ahh.. i was just in North Carolina like about the same time as now last month. heh.
but will i see any of my friends from college? i doubt it. since most of them are away for the summer. it's obviously summer break. they wont get back probably the week or so after i leave NC. heh. but it depends.. Jeff is the one doing the plans and stuff.. so whatever. I just want to go to Southpoint Mall in Durham. lol. and Crabtree Mall to see my old Abercrombie & Fitch store. I HAVE TO VISIT MY OLD A&F STORE EVERYTIME I VISIT NC! it's a requirement. i have to. same goes with my Outback Steakhouse on Capital Boulevard. i usually see familiar faces whenever i visit.. and most of the time they recognize me, the servers are the ones that instantly say hey. my old managers and head manager dont really jump in the air to see my face. they're like.. "oh hey lorenzo. how are you?" that's it. but that's what i usually expect from them anyways. so whatever. the servers are like "OMG LORENZO!" hahahaha. one of them liked how my hair is now. another girl was like "you're still fine as ever" hahahaha. loves it. but it's different with A&F.. mostly everyone that i was close to has already quit or transferred. but who knows.. maybe i'll see someone i know there again. i seriously need them to hook me up with the employee discount! haha. they usually do that for me anyways.. have them buy it for me. and i'd like sneak my debit card and pay for it. hehe. gotta love it tho.
ahh.. so anyways.. this summer is just awesome. just being at work at Starbucks and taking these trips to places out of Humboldt County. if only i could spend more time with my friends.
although, i'm in a relationship.. i'm still lonely. not in that sense.. but i'm lonely for my friends.
Lorenzo's Mobile & Online Blog
- If you're a person that has lived on the east coast mostly all of your life.. and thought that California was the land of sunshine and beautiful people.. (thanks to the countless tv shows depicting Orange County) well, you're only half right.. it's not the case up here in North California. And this is how i'm experiencing it.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
ok.. so i finally bought it ..
Like seriously.. it never came across my mind that i'd ever get it until i spontaneously thought about it from a previous blog entry.. hehe. (the one about getting the Louis Vuitton belt. umm. i doubt i'm getting it anytime soon. heh.)
But yeahh. i finally got it. a metallic (or mercury) duffle sport bag from NINE WEST. do you think it's going to stop me from using this bag because it's from NINE WEST? no, of course. besides.. the NINE WEST logo isn't even displayed on the exterior of the bag.. only in the inside.. so yeah.
i got it from the NINE WEST website for $49.99 plus tax. i found a free shipping online coupon code which i used from and there's a bunch of codes on their for free shipping and discounts when you purchase a certain amount. I saw some good codes from J. Crew, American Eagle Outfitters & Victoria's Secret.. etc..
so yeah.. im excited. i can't wait to get the bag in the mail. (i know what you're thinking.. will i even get the bag since i'm having so much problems with the damn postal service here in this town?) dont worry, i mailed it to a much more secure location.. jeff's office. it's the government. you mess with them, you'll surely get fucked up. hehe. j/k. or am i? i can't say. ;)
it's supposed to arrive on thursday the 19th. which is about 6 more days away.
my first intentions on buying the bag (when i first bought it) was supposed to be MY BAG. you know? like the i'd use everywhere. kindof big tho. so, my 2nd use for it is to be my gym bag. heck yeah. i'd like to see all of the hippies see me walk into the building carrying this shiny thing. hahahaha. they'd probably wonder if it was made by recycled aluminum. heh. i'm just glad im getting a new gym bag. my other one is fucking falling apart. seriously! the velcro handles is ripping off. the color used to be bright blue when i first bought it from Old Navy, but now it's like.. lame blueish grey. or pale blue. still lame tho. i definitely used that for all of it's worth since freshman year in highschool. i think it was like $20 or $25 when i did some back to school shopping with my parents in Fayetteville, NC. omg. how did i even remember where i got it?! haha. Old Navy was in the plaza right next to Barnes & Nobel and near Crosscreek Mall.
Ok.. enough reminiscing.. i can't wait for it to come. this is why i don't usually buy stuff online. i want to actually see and feel the thing i'm going to buy first. i'm even pickier when i shop in the malls. hehe. it's gotta fucking stand out!!! if it doesn't.. of course i'm going to continue on with the next store. hey, at least i dont have to pay for shipping. shipping sucks. except for DHL, they totally rock. my bag is getting shipped by UPS, which is ok.. i'm just glad it's not Eureka postal service. haha..
1st day wearing shorts & I wait out in the cold..
Since its been like hot for the past few days.. I've decided to wear shorts to work for the first time!
Unfortunately.. I'm waiting for a ride and I've been freezing for the past 20 mins outside my store.. Lol. I can even see the mist or fog rolling in by looking at the parkinglot lights. Perfect time to be wearing shorts huh?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My future's so bright.. I had to wear shades at work.
Heck yeah. Some person lost their 50¢ plastic shades. Lol. (dont worry.. i sanitized them) it was lost, now it is found, by me. :)
Pretty spiffy huh? I can totally rock anything that I wear. Lol. I'm fierce in one of the pics above! :D
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Congratulations Springfield, Vermont!!
If you haven't heard yet.. the town of Springfield in Vermont won the contest of premiering the Simpsons movie in their town of 9,300 people!

read more about it:
read more about it:
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Heatherette, M.A.C. cosmetics & Amanda Lepore.. a film by David Lachapelle..
If you haven't seen this video yet, brace yourself for transsexual nudity.
This famous video was directed by well-renowned photographer David Lachapelle for M.A.C. Cosmetics and Heatherette. Amanda Lepore is featured in this video covering herself with the pink M.A.C. lipstick named 'Heatherette', of course. This video was the introduction for the Heatherette's spring 2002 fashion show, their introduction to the fashion industry.
This video is not available on YouTube, obviously because it features nudity.
Hope you like it, because i do. It's such an artistic video to watch. Just don't be immature and be like "ewwwww, she's naked and covering herself with lipstick.. ewwwww.." If you react like that, your obviously immature or too hard headed to understand art/fashion/culture.
Fuckin' postal service!
Ok.. so guess what.. i went to the Post Office today to complain about the mail.. AGAIN!!
i waited for more than 10 minutes for the guy to return. and during the wait.. there was this one woman who had a problem with her address being wrong and forwarded wrong. something dealing with the wrong number in her address. she was talking to the front desk man and he called up the same delivery supervisor to the front window and told her to move aside to where i was. i started talking to her..
but seriously. the delivery supervisor was a jackass. he totally worked me up. don't underestimate who you're talking to just because i look like a teenager. I may look young, but i'm pretty fuckin' mature and smart.
i seriously want to just to get corporate USPS to investigate the EUREKA postal office. it's time to lay off the old and hire some new ones that can do their jobs correctly.
"hello, i have a problem with my mail being delivered. I haven't been receiving my mail and subscriptions for the past few weeks. I just received a notice from my college professor today that the document he sent to me was returned to him. I asked why it would be returned when it had the correct name and correct address printed on it? Is someone tampering or stealing my mail? It just doesn't make sense!"
Front Desk Man:
"ok, let me get the delivery supervisor up here.. *talks on speakerphone* could the delivery supervisor come up to the window please?' .. he should be here in a moment."
Me:i waited for about 5 minutes.. and he arrived and asked what was the problem. i could tell he hated complaints from people. i told him the same thing i said to the man at the front desk. I showed him a letter (that a previous college professor had sent to me) i had received and had a return to sender/person has moved sticker under my correct name and correct address.
Me:he looked at it.. and he talked to me in a very commanding voice that tried to show authority. but when you talk to me like that, haha.. i'm game. i was talking like that the entire time. i didn't want to be the shy one and be like.. 'ok, so i guess it's my fault.. i'll just leave now.' haha.. fuck that. i'm not that stupid. i know it's not my fault. and i want it fucking fixed. and so the shift supervisor went to the back to probably smoke some crack or something.. while fixing my error.
"also.. i have this letter that has my correct information but it has a return to sender & person has moved sticker on it. what's up with that? I still live in this address!"
i waited for more than 10 minutes for the guy to return. and during the wait.. there was this one woman who had a problem with her address being wrong and forwarded wrong. something dealing with the wrong number in her address. she was talking to the front desk man and he called up the same delivery supervisor to the front window and told her to move aside to where i was. i started talking to her..
Me:she told me of what happened.. and i was just nodding my head.. she was nice, but i just didnt remember what she said. haha. i was too caught up with my problem.
"so.. do you have delivery problems like me?"
Me:eventually, the delivery supervisor came back and the woman was standing right next to me on the counter..
"hey, your problem isn't as big as mine.. i'm not even getting any mail. *showed her the letter with the return to sender label*"
delivery supervisor:he had a piece of paper with my last name and jeff's last name on the counter.. writing scribbles and lines under and on our names.
"Do you still live in this address?"
"Of course i do! I wouldn't be coming here asking to fix this problem if i didn't live there."
delivery supervisor:
"Well, your mail isn't being delivered to you because you have forwarding on this address that says you have moved."
"WHATTTT?? How is that even possible? I still live there! Is there any documents or receipts that show proof of this forwarding to be enabled for my address? Is there something that someone has written to cause this.. and can i see it?"
delivery supervisor:the delivery supervisor continues to write lines and shit on the piece of paper while the woman standing next to me was just listening to the entire bantering and arguing between me and the man..
"I dont have that information, it's all in San Francisco. Your mail has been forwarded because it said that you didn't live there anymore and this person *points to jeff's last name* was the previous occupant."
"Whatttt? that's totally wrong! he's my roommate! he lives with me in that same address! he hasn't moved anywhere! we both still currently live there!
delivery supervisor:i didnt sense the sincerity of what he said.. since he worked my adrenaline borderline to the max. so i tried to make sure everything was in order.
"Ok, well i'll cancel the forwarding for both you and your roommate when i talk to [the person in charge.. idk] later today."
Me:.. and i started to walk out and picked up my treo and called jeff to tell him of what has happend.
"So once you cancel that forwarding, will ALL of my mail be sent to me now? i just want to make sure."
delivery supervisor:
"Yes, after talk to [the person in charge of dealing with that stuff] later today."
"Alright. thank you."
but seriously. the delivery supervisor was a jackass. he totally worked me up. don't underestimate who you're talking to just because i look like a teenager. I may look young, but i'm pretty fuckin' mature and smart.
i seriously want to just to get corporate USPS to investigate the EUREKA postal office. it's time to lay off the old and hire some new ones that can do their jobs correctly.
Monday, July 9, 2007
It's a historic day in Eureka.
Stop with the months of rumors and speculations! You all heard that Outback Steakhouse was coming to town.. Well, guess what. IT FINALLY CAME! I present to you, the (most probably) FIRST Outback Steakhouse delivery in Eureka & all of Humboldt County!!
Mind you, for those that don't know. That the nearest Outback Steakhouse is about 3 hours away in Redding and about 3.5 hours from Santa Rosa.
So yes, my food was a bit cold and soggy.. Nothing that a good microwave could fix. I fuckin' devoured those Coconut Shrimps. Haha. It was sooooooo good. Omg.
I miss working at Outback..
Sunday, July 8, 2007
I'd rather be at the mall..
..but no...... I had to work today. Ugh. Whatever.. At least I get free drinks. :)
Eek. Breaks over.
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