Lorenzo's Mobile & Online Blog

- If you're a person that has lived on the east coast mostly all of your life.. and thought that California was the land of sunshine and beautiful people.. (thanks to the countless tv shows depicting Orange County) well, you're only half right.. it's not the case up here in North California. And this is how i'm experiencing it.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Cardigan Vest?

Idk.. Maybe I could splash some paint and maybe a thunderbolt design on it to make it more edgier..


New LV advert



Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blah blah blah..

I got an anonymous blog comment on here..

"Go ahead and create another one. I'll just hack, lock you out, and
delete that one too..you fucking faggot."

*rolls eyes....*

Some needs attention.. Lol. Don't you have some locals you can gaybash or something? Online bullying is soo junior high.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Goofing off at starbucks..

Yeah.. I have less restrictions when I'm off the clock. ;)
