Lorenzo's Mobile & Online Blog

- If you're a person that has lived on the east coast mostly all of your life.. and thought that California was the land of sunshine and beautiful people.. (thanks to the countless tv shows depicting Orange County) well, you're only half right.. it's not the case up here in North California. And this is how i'm experiencing it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Nightmares & ugly babies

I had a bad dream last night.. That i went to a funeral of my goddaughter Kalea whose like only 5 months old. :'( Sad i know.. Even tho ive only gotten to see her when i was in Chicago, she's the most cutest baby girl eveerrrr.

Now when im seeing babies around town in Northern California, OMG they're pretty ugly. LMAO. Seriously!!! Isnt it a fact that when 2 ugly people consumate, they'll have an ugly baby? Its getting the features of the mother and father!! Heh. There's really no options for these people here.. Would a pretty girl go for some butch slob? Probably not, but at least find some other guy that would seem more attractive to the average person. But then again... Ugly people need love too.

Im not trying to sound shallow and ignorant. Thats what the majority of people here in norcal are! SHUT UPPP!!! i dont wanna hear that im starting to blend in this place. Omggg noo. Im just stating the truth. Unbiased in my personal opinon. So deal with it.
