yep. it's official. it's deleted. my old url of is now owned by some 18 year old girl named Merry.
i'll be making a new account soon.. keep checking back to this blog. This blog, facebook & youtube are my only means of communication to my large base of friends online.
Just in case if you were wondering.. i had over 4,000 friends on my account.. and as a matter of fact, a majority of them were people that i had good relationships with. As in conversations in the past. And of course, people that i have associated, including classmates and friends.
Fuckin' myspace. thanks a lot Tom.
I'll be starting up again.. adding my usual friends and start adding their friends that i recognize from before. It's not usual for me to add people, since they usually add me. Sounds conceited, but it's true. And in my case, i really want to get back to what i had before. A large base of friends that know my style and how i am.
Wish me luck.. I'll probably create a new myspace tomorrow.. depending on the time in the next few days, i'm working the next few days.. *sigh*
i'm not really crying about the whole situation (some comforting words to those people that hate me for some unknown reason, and yet continue to read my blogs), i'm just upset about what happened. It happened, it's gone, time to move on. I'm optimistic, confident, and smart. I know i can continue my 'myspace legacy' someway or another... now it's just on a different account.
so yeah. i'm back in California. it sucks. the people on the roads are so much worse compared to people back on the East Coast. but that's for a different blog post.. i dont have time to talk about that now.. ehh..
Lorenzo's Mobile & Online Blog
- If you're a person that has lived on the east coast mostly all of your life.. and thought that California was the land of sunshine and beautiful people.. (thanks to the countless tv shows depicting Orange County) well, you're only half right.. it's not the case up here in North California. And this is how i'm experiencing it.