Kwik-E-Mart, a fictional chain of convenience stores on the animated series The Simpsons, is owned by the Indian American fictional character Apu Nahasapeemapetilon. Over the years, viewers have watched various story lines that have taken place on the highly priced convenience store. Even though the items are quite pricey, Homer and the gang consistently drop by and patronize the said store. Now, avid Simpsons fans can enjoy edible Simpsons commodities in an accessible and convenient manner.
Other promotional strategy of The Simpsons: The Movie is the hosting of a contest which would determine in which Springfield city The Simpsons: The Movie will premiere in.
The much-awaited Simpsons movie is scheduled to open in the United States in July. Meanwhile, avid fans can catch the whacky family every Sunday at 8/7c on FOX.