Ok. I couldn't hold it anymore. It fucking hurted and my stomache couldn't handle it anymore. #2. Eww. Gross. Shut the fuck up and grow up. Everyone drops the kids off at the pool. Get over it. Anyways.. I usually hate having to #2 on planes.. First, its hard to concentrate. Second, there are ppl needing to shit too. Lastly, you leave a trail of shit vapors as you pass by ppl to get to your row. Ok, so since I've done this before.. I brought my ipod.. Listening to my a&f tunes.. Waited for the woman occupying the lavatory.. Then it was my turn. Fart. Fart. Fart... Where's the shit? Like I said before.. Its hard to concentrate. Anyways.. About 8-10 mins later as I was finishing up my business.. There was a fuckin knock on the door. Flight attendant? Hell no. I opened up the door, and saw this Indian businessman. I gave him a dirty look signifying my expression "can't you fuckin wait for your turn??" he saw me give him direct eye contact and he looked away.. (i should've knocked on the door after he closed himself in.. Hahhahaha) anyways.. Got back to my seat and started typing this entry on my treo.
Now back when I was really little. This story is funny. I was probably in the 1st or 2nd grade.. I used to think that whenever you flush your poop on the airplanes.. It releases outside the plane and falls from the sky onto the earth below. Hahhahaha. Cute huh? I used to paranoid of this and freak out whenever I see and hear a plane overhead me.. I'd run to the nearest shelter or building till the sky was clear.. For I was afraid of poop falling down on me. Hahahah. Has anyone else been paranoid about this?