What an interesting night it was last night.. i was invited to go bowling with my 1st friend that i made here in Eureka, Laura. She transferred from her job at a jewelry job to next door at Claire's as a manager. Congrats to her. and Congrats to Caila (i think that's how you spell her name) who is leaving Claire's to go Redding. I'm jealous of her. i want to move out too. heh.
Anyways, it was Caila's going away & bday party.. and Laura invited me. I needed to get out of my house. im fucking getting tired of just hanging out on myspace 12 hours each day. That's the problem with this town.. there's nothing to do. For me anyways.

I parked the car outside the bowling lanes building. scared about where to park it. looked for a good well lit spot. yeah. right between 2 busted up & fucked up cars. great. i hesitated on walking to the front. i saw a bunch of guys. typical eurekans. dressed all in black and stuff. trying to be punk? idk. but there i was.. dressed in ripped jeans, a bright blue plaid dress shirt under a navy hollister hawaii shirt. yeah i was a bit scared. i didn't want them to approach me for what i was wearing. there's alot of scary things that happen in this town.. from what i heard. i pretended to talk on my cellphone as i walked to the door, ignoring their faces.

Inside the building. it was busy. it was 'cheap - strobelight - bowling - night'. it wasn't cheap actually. the flat rate for the entire night of unlimited bowling was $12, including shoes. wow. i got there at 10:45pm. I questioned Laura and Caila if i should pay that ridiculous amount. The person that worked there was a fucking bitch. Laura tried inputing my name onto the bowling lane computer. I bowled just once with my silver puma shoes. The bowling attendant came up and yelled saying i have to pay. duh. it was a fucking 12 bucks. I asked if i could just pay for one game. there was a sign that said one game was $1.50 and shoe rental was $2.50. I didnt wanna pay. i dont even have time. i had to pick up jeff at work at 12pm. the guy said i couldn't just hang around and loiter. he yelled that every 10 minutes on the loudspeaker throughout the night. bitch. and so i eventually paid the $12 with my debit card. ugh. but i bowled. Laura & Caila played for 5 rounds already.. and so i played.. and caught up. i made a strike the first official bowl i did. woohoo! and i think i made one more strike later on.. anyways... after 10 rounds.. it

was finished. and Brandy and her brother Rob arrived. they got bowling shoes and paid .. and started bowling. unfortunately for me, the game wasnt reset for all of us and when we inputed Brandy and Rob's name into the bowling lane computer.. it allowed them to catch up and thus, i waited while the two bowled 10 rounds each. it was 11:45pm by the time they finished.. and i bowled once or twice after.. such a bargain for $12. I doubt i'll do that ever again. I had to leave. to pick up jeff. I wasn't sure if i could return that night after i picked up jeff. But i didnt think he wanted me to return.. since he got off from 9 hours of work. yeah. so that was that night.